
Advanced Quake Statistics


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Database Notes

If you want to change the database name, host name or user name you may 
have a look for aqs/quake3arena/start.sh and aqs/db/Makefile and search 

Installation Notes

Get latest qt from trolltech. I had tested
ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-x11-free-3.0.3.tar.gz .

Get latest postgresql. I had tested 
ftp://ftp.de.postgresql.org/mirror/postgresql/v7.2/postgresql-7.2.tar.gz .

We will store all the stuff to a database, so you need to compile and install
postgresql if you don't had it done allready.

> su
> cd /usr/src
> tar -xvzf ftp://ftp.de.postgresql.org/mirror/postgresql/v7.2/postgresql-7.2.tar.gz
> cd postgresql-7.2
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql-7.2
> make all install
> cd /usr/local/
> ln -snf pgsql-7.2 pgsql
> cd !$/bin

We need a database and a user. Let's create it.

> ./initdb /usr/local/pgsql/data

Start postgres with:

>  su postgres -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster\
 -S -i -D /usr/local/pgsql/data & 2>&1 >/dev/null" 

Create the database and the user.

> ./createdb q3a
> ./createuser -A -D q3a
> ./createlang plpgsql q3a
OK, we need a qt lib with thread and postgresql support. Unpack and 
make it like following.

> su
> cd /usr/local/lib
> tar -xvzf qt-x11-free-3.0.3.tar.gz
> ln -snf qt-x11-free-3.0.3 qt
> cd !$
> export QTDIR=$PWD
> export PATH="$PATH:$QTDIR/bin"
> cd $QTDIR
> ./configure -qt-gif -system-zlib -qt-sql-psql -system-libpng -system-libjpeg \
-system-libmng -xft -thread -debug -I/usr/local/pgsql/include \
> make

Go to a frend and have a nice chat. Oh, don't forget to add QTDIR and PATH 
to your startup scripts.

You are back? Fine, go to a path where we can compile the frontend.

> cd /usr/src
> tar -xvjf aqs-0.0.1.tar.bz2
> cd aqs-0.0.1

First we need to init the database by storing tables, views, etc. to q3a.

> cd db
> make

Make a simple test. It should say "OK". 

> make test

Fine the database is ready. Lets make the frontend.

> cd ..
> cd frontend
> $QTDIR/bin/qmake *.pro
> make

Lets start the frontend. 

> ./aqs_qtfrontend &

Fine. Now we need some game data. But befor check if you have the perl DBI and
DBD::Pg packaged. If you don't get them from:


configure, make and install them.


> cd aqs-0.0.1/quake3arena

you will find some stuff that's needed to store data from a logfile to the
database. In "./baseq3" are a mod that adds a lot of stuff to logging and fix a
bug in the logfile print function of q3a. The script with name "start.sh"
starts a dedicated server and says quake3arena witch name it should use for the
logfile (with the start time/date of the server). Thats needed because Mr.
Carmack didn't implement a way to get the date/time within a game. In "./aqs/"
resides a script that take the logfile, parse it and store the entries to the
database. And a 2nd one that find map names and stores them to the database.
This happens befor the game is started to make sure we have a clean logfile. 
Old logfiles are compressed and you may delete them if you want to.

Copy all files in ./quake3arena to your quake3arena base path. Goto to it and
start it with:

> ./start.sh

Add set the fraglimit and some bots.

> fraglimit 10
> bot_minplayers 10

Wait some time until the bots are fighting.

They have finished? Hit ctrl-c and restart with "./start.sh". The perl script
should take something about storing a game to the database.

Get the frontend and push the connect button or use the menu to see the game. 
Check the games tab and double click the game. Have a nice look to that 
incredible analyses. ;)

Maybe the fonts in the frontend are to big. You are able to change the fonts
for all qt applications by starting $QTDIR/bin/qtconfig .